I have made this serie of paintings for the Terra Teca Traca project, at the Centre d'Art i Natura de Farrera (Catalan
Pyrenees) during part of the summer and autumn of 2021.
The project aims to establish a dialogue between artists, researchers and rural agents to consider food sovereignty and the impact of the current systemic crisis on the production, distribution and access to food.
I have worked together with Ariadna Nieto Espinet and Sílvia Valenzuela Lamas, both archaeologists and researchers at the CSIC, and with Ramon Cornellana of Casa Besolí, the last transhumant shepherd of Farrera. Together they have been considering the past, present and future of the local "xisqueta" sheep and extensive livetock farming in mountain areas, identifying the problems, challenges and contradictions that currently exist.
One of the things that struck me the most is how the evolution of the country is influenced by livestock farming, or in this case, by its absence. The number of animals grazing in the mountains has greatly decreased in recent years, causing the forest to gain ground and meadows and pastures to disappear. This has an effect on biodiversity, as well as increasing the risk of fires. I have made a serie of paintings that reflect the changes in the landscape and reflect how the forest grows quickly and replace the pastures.

I have made a serie of paintings that reflect the changes in the landscape and reflect how the forest grows quickly and replace the pastures.

The project was presented in November 2021 at the gallery Atelier Guell (Barcelona).