Published by Pol·len Edicions, 2022.
Dones de la muntanya is a graphic novel, portrait of the rural world and Pyrenean farmers, with a gender perspective.
It is the diary of a social-natural scientist and eco-feminist activist, Federica Ravera, who travels the Pyrenees to get to know the high mountain rurality. It is also a translation of two different languages, from a scientific investigation into comic book language.
A beautiful dialogue between science and art, where the protagonist, with an immense curiosity and the contradictions of an urbanite, listens to the women talk about the problems facing the peasantry and the benefits of livestock and high mountain agriculture.
Some voices, those of the women of the mountain, who describe their roles and contributions, discrimination and sexism, and the power dynamics that still persist in our society.
Awards: Premi Serra d’Or de la crítica i Premi Junceda.
Dones de la muntanya is a graphic novel, portrait of the rural world and Pyrenean farmers, with a gender perspective.
It is the diary of a social-natural scientist and eco-feminist activist, Federica Ravera, who travels the Pyrenees to get to know the high mountain rurality. It is also a translation of two different languages, from a scientific investigation into comic book language.
A beautiful dialogue between science and art, where the protagonist, with an immense curiosity and the contradictions of an urbanite, listens to the women talk about the problems facing the peasantry and the benefits of livestock and high mountain agriculture.
Some voices, those of the women of the mountain, who describe their roles and contributions, discrimination and sexism, and the power dynamics that still persist in our society.
Awards: Premi Serra d’Or de la crítica i Premi Junceda.